Sunday, August 1, 2010

CoffeeCat wants to know . . .

besides the obvious caffeine fix, what's your most frequent reason for hanging out at the coffee shop?

Be honest! CoffeeCat won't hiss if you admit you love to grab some of those free doggie biscuits by the door as you're walking your dog and sipping a caramel machiato.

But CoffeeCat objects to this bow-wow being the first photo on our blog. Help CoffeeCat by sending photos of your favorite coffee house treats & latte art to


  1. Anonymous8/02/2010

    Looks like he's been having a latte, licking his chops, waiting on a doggie treat.

  2. And have you ever wondered why you never see cats in pet-friendly shops? CoffeeCat doesn't see what the big deal is. Who would be bothered by paw prints on the counter or cat hair in the coffee beans?


No negative reviews of coffee shops, please. CoffeeCat likes 'em all!