This column in the weekly
Triad Arts This Week e-mail news letter caught my eye. I've used the term "City of the Arts" in a few of my own blog posts lately, so I read along as Martin Tucker debated whether Winston-Salem lives up to the name it has given itself.
He makes a convincing argument, but the fur (Coffee
Cat, after all) on the back of my neck stood up when I read, "you probably imagine a quaint, cozy coffee shop with great scones. And you’d be right."
ACK! Is someone about to say something bad about quaint, cozy coffee shops? Hey, I like quaint! I like cozy! I like scones!
Ahhh. Deep breath. He moves right along and says, "But
'the café' is so much more."
Crisis averted. No one is bashing my beloved quaint coffee shops! You know who you are! But being CoffeeCat, you know I love the not-so-quaint and not-so-cozy coffee shops, too. Triad coffee shop fans are so lucky to have a variety of shops to choose from. And we're lucky that some are quaint and cozy by day, but lively and hopping with good music by night.
So, coffee shop fans, what's your preference? Quaint and cozy? Bright and bold? Rocking and rolling? Scones or sushi? The Triad has 'em all!