CoffeeCat has gotten a good dose of Triad Coffee Shops in the past week or so and couldn't be happier! Coffee shop fans are sooooo lucky to live within 30 minutes of dozens of great places to get your caffeine fix.
Some fans get their coffee shop dose Monday through Friday, rushing into their neighborhood coffee shop for a cup to go. Some fans make great use of coffee shops as a meeting place for business conversations, a quick lunch meeting, or a meet-me-after-work-for-coffee spot. Whatever the need, there is usually a coffee shop that fits the bill! Even when you're driving down the road between errands, appointments, and work, you might see a drive-through coffee shop. Poof! It's like magic.
Then, there are the weekend coffee shop fans who find their favorite bands, artists, poets, and more at the coffee shop. It's a great atmosphere to enjoy music and the company of a friend. Even though many coffee shops also sell beer and wine, you won't really see folks going there to get drunk, as they do at the not-so-cool-nightlife-establishments we won't discuss here. We've been there, done that, folks, and now we enjoy our coffee shop luxuries. If anyone does have a little too much of an adult beverage, well, there's plenty of black coffee for them to chase it with.
CoffeeCat enjoys everything our locally owned coffee shops have to offer. The coffee, the sandwiches and sweet treats, the conversations with friends & new acquaintances, the patios with pooches, the comfy couches . . . oh, I could go on and on . . . . but I'll save it for another post. Right now, I'm going in search of another coffee shop treat!