We're setting a record for number of events in one weekend at Triad Coffee Shops. Starting tonight, there are multiple coffee shops holding events through the weekend. Check out Friday & Saturday on the Events page.
One of these days, I'd like to make it to every event offered on a Friday or Saturday night at Triad Coffee Shops. It would require planning ahead with Mapquest. Some coffee shop fans might require a designated driver since more coffee shops sell wines & host Friday night wine tastings. Designated driver should be no problem, though. Doesn't everyone have a friend who prefers a caffeine bzzzzzzz and loves to down espresso shots?
We also have many animal related events listed on Howls & Meows. A fashion show, doggie jog, pet adventures, fundraisers, and more are happening this weekend.
OK, so this weekend whirlwind might not be something to write home about, but it's definitely something to write to CoffeeCat about! Don't be shy. Post comments about your favorite events!