Chelsee's hosted live music two nights in a row! Keep your eye on this arts district treasure for more entertainment! Hint: you can do some shopping while you're there - Chelsee's has a neat collection of gift items and cards for one-stop birthday shopping.
Speaking of gifts, I'd like to pat myself on the back for buying coffee shop gift cards for my nieces' Christmas gifts. I've enjoyed some quality time with them over hot chocolate, milkshakes, smoothies, and (for me) iced coffee. As they say, 'tis better to give than receive . . . but CoffeeCat says, if you can give AND receive, why not?? Shout out to my coffee shop buddy Catherine!
Check out today's Winston-Salem Journal business section for news on the rising price of coffee, featuring Krankies staff & customers. Mary Jane Skelly says it best: "Coffee for me is like a necessary expense. So whatever it costs is what I will pay for it because it is something that I need to function." Hear hear!