Good news first: it's going to be coffee shop patio weather this weekend. Get out there and try a new coffee shop! Or stop by your old favorite as you walk the bow wow around the neighborhood.

Bad news: We lose an hour of sleep tonight. Be prepared! Pick up some freshly roasted coffee beans at your coffee shop for your Sunday dose. You'll need a cup at home before you even get to the coffee shop.
Even better: Plan a Lazy Day on Sunday. Need help? Watch your cat all day and do whatever the cat is doing. It couldn't be easier!
CoffeeCat has totally enjoyed our locally owned coffee shops in the past few weeks! I'm tempted to keep it all to myself, so the whole world won't discover my best coffee shop secrets. But I can't keep it to myself. I'll share everything I know about Triad Coffee Shops! Come back soon!
Lazy Day Sunday is currently in progress!