Saturday, August 21, 2010

Top 10: Why coffee shop entertainment beats the opera

Tyler Nail, July Shuffle winner
Live from the Winston-Salem Shuffle at Krankie's
1. Wear whatcha want
2. Get there when ya want (just don't miss the whole show)
3. Getcher caffeine fix anytime
4. Local talent honing their chops - where else can you hear performers on guitar, ukulele, piano, keyboard, and an 11-year-old singing "If I was living in space?" (BTW, if he lived in space, he sang, "I'd have lasers in my pants, just in case")
5. Judges chosen from audience - no professional critics, no gong!
6. No intermission - get up and move around when you want to stretch or mingle
7. Did I say, getcher caffeine?
8. Entertainment, drink & dessert for $10
9. No age limit - performers & fans ages 11 and up!
10. CoffeeCat can blog live from the coffee shop!

What are your top 10 reasons to enjoy coffee shop shows?


  1. Anonymous8/22/2010

    Hey! I was the lady that spilled her ice coffee/judged. Great blog! I added it to my RSS feeds.

  2. Anon: Reason #11 - You can spill your coffee without being judged (try that at the opera, folks!)


No negative reviews of coffee shops, please. CoffeeCat likes 'em all!